Feb 5, 2013

[MGT 315] Report Video Project

Font: Arial, size 11 / Times New Roman, size 12
Spacing: 1.5

1. Cover page – UiTM logo, MGT 315, title of project , group member, student id, submission date
2. Table of content
3. Introduction
a. brief introduction about your project
b. purpose of doing the particular topic
c. explain the main issue of the topic
4. Lesson
a. explain your lesson learned upon completing the project
b. lesson learned upon studying the issue
c. suggestion to solve the issue
5. List of member and role played in the project (individual involvement)
a. Details task for each member – director, script writer, technical aspect, etc.
6. Script – attach your complete script for the project
a. May include additional documents e.g. sketch, mind map, story board,
7. References
a. State your references – e.g. journal articles, newspaper articles, websites, books etc.
b. Please follow the APA style – refer (http://education4love.blogspot.com/2012/06/apa-5th-style.html)
8. Appendix
a. Attach all your references
b. Requirement – min 3 academic journals

[MGT 315] Report Video Project

Font: Arial, size 11 / Times New Roman, size 12
Spacing: 1.5

1. Cover page – UiTM logo, MGT 315, title of project , group member, student id, submission date
2. Table of content
3. Introduction
a. brief introduction about your project
b. purpose of doing the particular topic
c. explain the main issue of the topic
4. Lesson
a. explain your lesson learned upon completing the project
b. lesson learned upon studying the issue
c. suggestion to solve the issue
5. List of member and role played in the project (individual involvement)
a. Details task for each member – director, script writer, technical aspect, etc.
6. Script – attach your complete script for the project
a. May include additional documents e.g. sketch, mind map, story board,
7. References
a. State your references – e.g. journal articles, newspaper articles, websites, books etc.
b. Please follow the APA style – refer (http://education4love.blogspot.com/2012/06/apa-5th-style.html)
8. Appendix
a. Attach all your references
b. Requirement – min 3 academic journals