Mar 29, 2012

Biasiswa SIMEDARBY 2012

Salinan emel dari Pn. Norfarhana

Assalamualaikum wbt & Salam Khazanah Alam
Y. Bhg. Prof. / Prof. Madya / Dr. / Tuan / Puan

Program Taklimat/ Sesi Penerangan Biasiswa & Dermasiswa Yayasan Sime Darby 2012

Sukacita dimaklumkan bahawa pihak Yayasan Sime Darby (YSD) akan mengadakan taklimat/ sesi penerangan di UiTM Cawangan Pahang. YSD telah memperuntukkan sebanyak 380 biasiswa bernilai RM22.6 juta bagi tahun 2012. Biasiswa ini bertujuan untuk membantu pelajar yang mencapai prestasi akademik yang memuaskan terutamanya dari latar belakang berpendapatan rendah untuk melanjutkan pelajaran ke peringkat yang lebih tinggi.

Berikut adalah maklumat berkenaan program:-
Tarikh : 5 April 2012 (Khamis)
Masa : 11.00 pagi - 4.00 petang
Tempat : Foyer Auditorium 1
Aktiviti : Membuka kaunter pertanyaan dan memberi penerangan mengenai Program Biasiswa YSD

Oleh yang demikian, pihak Unit Kerjaya & Kaunseling ingin memohon bantuan dari semua pihak untuk sama-sama memaklumkan tentang program ini kepada semua pelajar masing-masing terutamanya pelajar diploma semester akhir & pelajar ijazah semester 1 untuk turut serta dalam program ini terutamanyan yang berminat untuk mendapat biasiswa sime darby.
Perhatian yang diberikan kami dahulukan dengan ribuan terima kasih yang tak terhingga.
Segala kerjasama dan
Sekian, Wasalam.
Norfarhana Binti Zulkifli KB. PA.
Pegawai Psikologi
Tel: 09-4602458

Mar 27, 2012


Pening rasanya ketika gagal mengesan kod ini. Jadi masukkan kod di sini untuk kemudahan mengesan pada masa-masa akan datang.


Kod Projek : 021000 11 0013

Kelulusan : RM 5,000.00

Selamat Bejaya!

Mar 21, 2012

Life is Like a Cup of Coffee - GOOD READ

A group of alumni, highly established in their careers, got together to visit their old university professor. Conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and life.

Offering his guests coffee, the professor went to the kitchen and returned with a large pot of coffee and an assortment of cups - porcelain, plastic, glass, crystal, some plain looking, some expensive, some exquisite - telling them to help themselves to the coffee.

When all the students had a cup of coffee in hand, the professor said: "If you noticed, all the nice looking expensive cups have been taken up, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones. While it is normal for you to want only the best for yourselves, that is the source of your problems and stress.

Be assured that the cup itself adds no quality to the coffee. In most cases it is just more expensive and in some cases even hides what we drink. What all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup, but you consciously went for the best cups... And then you began eyeing each other's cups.

Now consider this: Life is the coffee; the jobs, money and position in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold and contain Life, and the type of cup we have does not define, nor change the quality of life we live.

Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee. Savor the coffee, not the cups! The happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything. Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly.

Go visit this website for more inspirational stories;


Mar 13, 2012

Carried Mark MGT300 (BM111 4A) MAC 2012

Check your carry mark HERE. If you found any mistake please do not hesitate to inform me ASAP.

p/s: ** Zuhaira please let me know your mark for TEST 2, because the paper is not with me.

Group Little Kitchen (Zuhairan, Atikah Omar, Nurkhairiyah, and Wan Nurul Hazwani) please provide the correct URL for your group blog. I need it to review and mark your blog progress.

Good luck everyone...

Pembetulan Markah Penilaian MGT300

Setelah meneliti tugasan yang dihantar oleh Mohamad Asri Abdullah Pasek (BM112 5B) dan Ahmad Syamil Abdul Rahim (BM112 5A) yang mempunyai kesamaan dari awal slaid hingga ke akhir slaid. Kedua-dua pelajar akan mendapat KOSONG untuk tugasan tersebut.

Selain itu, kepada mereka yang tertanya-tanya kenapa dapat markah rendah, ok ini jawapannya.

PERINGATAN untuk semua pelajar dan bakal pelajar, saya memang BAIK tapi tolong JANGAN SAMPAI NAIK KEPALA.

Carried Mark MGT300 (BM112 5A) MAC 2012

Check your carry mark here! Good luck everyone.

Carried Mark MGT300 (BM112 5B) MAC 2012

Check your carry mark here! Good Luck everyone.

Mar 1, 2012

Call for new task for MGT300

I am having difficulties while completing your assessment mark. You may find the column for forum 4% is still blank. After I check the students' participation in I-Learn forum I think it is not enough and reliable for 4%.
I need you to do another assignment to complete the assessment. But this assignment will carry 7% instead of 4%. So, I think it fair enough as you have to do extra work.

Prepare the powerpoint slide on these topics. Each student only pick ONE topic. You could write anything on the topic, I open to your creativity. E.g. the evolution, history, genre, social or political issues, advantages, disadvantages, the impact on business etc, case study.

1.    Video and Online games
2.    Social networking sites
3.    Privacy issues.
4.    Ebusiness.
5.    The best practices of CRM (case study – summarize the case and prepare the review questions)
6.    The best practices of SCM (case study - summarize the case and prepare the review questions)
7.    The best practices of ERP (case study - summarize the case and prepare the review questions)
8.    Viruses and Hackers.
9.    Database Management System.
10.  Outsourcing
11.  IT’s role in Business
12.  IT Culture


1. Arial or  Times New Roman ONLY. Size 18 and above.
2. Do some research on internet on the respective topic, compile and arrange the content make it interesting presentation slides. You may add relevant images.
3. Prepare more than 7 slides. NOT including the first slide (title, student's name and id).
4. The last slide is Reference slides. Put all references you found to complete the task e.g. url, book, newspaper etc.
5. Prepare the Learning Objective on second slide.
6. REMOVE the hyperlinks.


1. You MUST use the the SMART ART GRAPHIC in ppt. - I want to read the content in graphics and diagrams.
2. REDUCE the paragraphs - WRITE the short sentence for each point. But, it must be understandable.
3. You will get MORE mark if LESS or NO student do slide on that topic.
4. Email your slide to on or before 12.00 noon 9th Mac 2012.

Biasiswa SIMEDARBY 2012

Salinan emel dari Pn. Norfarhana

Assalamualaikum wbt & Salam Khazanah Alam
Y. Bhg. Prof. / Prof. Madya / Dr. / Tuan / Puan

Program Taklimat/ Sesi Penerangan Biasiswa & Dermasiswa Yayasan Sime Darby 2012

Sukacita dimaklumkan bahawa pihak Yayasan Sime Darby (YSD) akan mengadakan taklimat/ sesi penerangan di UiTM Cawangan Pahang. YSD telah memperuntukkan sebanyak 380 biasiswa bernilai RM22.6 juta bagi tahun 2012. Biasiswa ini bertujuan untuk membantu pelajar yang mencapai prestasi akademik yang memuaskan terutamanya dari latar belakang berpendapatan rendah untuk melanjutkan pelajaran ke peringkat yang lebih tinggi.

Berikut adalah maklumat berkenaan program:-
Tarikh : 5 April 2012 (Khamis)
Masa : 11.00 pagi - 4.00 petang
Tempat : Foyer Auditorium 1
Aktiviti : Membuka kaunter pertanyaan dan memberi penerangan mengenai Program Biasiswa YSD

Oleh yang demikian, pihak Unit Kerjaya & Kaunseling ingin memohon bantuan dari semua pihak untuk sama-sama memaklumkan tentang program ini kepada semua pelajar masing-masing terutamanya pelajar diploma semester akhir & pelajar ijazah semester 1 untuk turut serta dalam program ini terutamanyan yang berminat untuk mendapat biasiswa sime darby.
Perhatian yang diberikan kami dahulukan dengan ribuan terima kasih yang tak terhingga.
Segala kerjasama dan
Sekian, Wasalam.
Norfarhana Binti Zulkifli KB. PA.
Pegawai Psikologi
Tel: 09-4602458


Pening rasanya ketika gagal mengesan kod ini. Jadi masukkan kod di sini untuk kemudahan mengesan pada masa-masa akan datang.


Kod Projek : 021000 11 0013

Kelulusan : RM 5,000.00

Selamat Bejaya!

Life is Like a Cup of Coffee - GOOD READ

A group of alumni, highly established in their careers, got together to visit their old university professor. Conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and life.

Offering his guests coffee, the professor went to the kitchen and returned with a large pot of coffee and an assortment of cups - porcelain, plastic, glass, crystal, some plain looking, some expensive, some exquisite - telling them to help themselves to the coffee.

When all the students had a cup of coffee in hand, the professor said: "If you noticed, all the nice looking expensive cups have been taken up, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones. While it is normal for you to want only the best for yourselves, that is the source of your problems and stress.

Be assured that the cup itself adds no quality to the coffee. In most cases it is just more expensive and in some cases even hides what we drink. What all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup, but you consciously went for the best cups... And then you began eyeing each other's cups.

Now consider this: Life is the coffee; the jobs, money and position in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold and contain Life, and the type of cup we have does not define, nor change the quality of life we live.

Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee. Savor the coffee, not the cups! The happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything. Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly.

Go visit this website for more inspirational stories;


Carried Mark MGT300 (BM111 4A) MAC 2012

Check your carry mark HERE. If you found any mistake please do not hesitate to inform me ASAP.

p/s: ** Zuhaira please let me know your mark for TEST 2, because the paper is not with me.

Group Little Kitchen (Zuhairan, Atikah Omar, Nurkhairiyah, and Wan Nurul Hazwani) please provide the correct URL for your group blog. I need it to review and mark your blog progress.

Good luck everyone...

Pembetulan Markah Penilaian MGT300

Setelah meneliti tugasan yang dihantar oleh Mohamad Asri Abdullah Pasek (BM112 5B) dan Ahmad Syamil Abdul Rahim (BM112 5A) yang mempunyai kesamaan dari awal slaid hingga ke akhir slaid. Kedua-dua pelajar akan mendapat KOSONG untuk tugasan tersebut.

Selain itu, kepada mereka yang tertanya-tanya kenapa dapat markah rendah, ok ini jawapannya.

PERINGATAN untuk semua pelajar dan bakal pelajar, saya memang BAIK tapi tolong JANGAN SAMPAI NAIK KEPALA.

Carried Mark MGT300 (BM112 5A) MAC 2012

Check your carry mark here! Good luck everyone.

Carried Mark MGT300 (BM112 5B) MAC 2012

Check your carry mark here! Good Luck everyone.

Call for new task for MGT300

I am having difficulties while completing your assessment mark. You may find the column for forum 4% is still blank. After I check the students' participation in I-Learn forum I think it is not enough and reliable for 4%.
I need you to do another assignment to complete the assessment. But this assignment will carry 7% instead of 4%. So, I think it fair enough as you have to do extra work.

Prepare the powerpoint slide on these topics. Each student only pick ONE topic. You could write anything on the topic, I open to your creativity. E.g. the evolution, history, genre, social or political issues, advantages, disadvantages, the impact on business etc, case study.

1.    Video and Online games
2.    Social networking sites
3.    Privacy issues.
4.    Ebusiness.
5.    The best practices of CRM (case study – summarize the case and prepare the review questions)
6.    The best practices of SCM (case study - summarize the case and prepare the review questions)
7.    The best practices of ERP (case study - summarize the case and prepare the review questions)
8.    Viruses and Hackers.
9.    Database Management System.
10.  Outsourcing
11.  IT’s role in Business
12.  IT Culture


1. Arial or  Times New Roman ONLY. Size 18 and above.
2. Do some research on internet on the respective topic, compile and arrange the content make it interesting presentation slides. You may add relevant images.
3. Prepare more than 7 slides. NOT including the first slide (title, student's name and id).
4. The last slide is Reference slides. Put all references you found to complete the task e.g. url, book, newspaper etc.
5. Prepare the Learning Objective on second slide.
6. REMOVE the hyperlinks.


1. You MUST use the the SMART ART GRAPHIC in ppt. - I want to read the content in graphics and diagrams.
2. REDUCE the paragraphs - WRITE the short sentence for each point. But, it must be understandable.
3. You will get MORE mark if LESS or NO student do slide on that topic.
4. Email your slide to on or before 12.00 noon 9th Mac 2012.