Jul 31, 2013
Jul 30, 2013
Jul 28, 2013
Supply Chain of Dell [SLIDESHARE]
Supply chain of DELL from Thushan Dharmawardana
Inside Dell: The secrets of its supply chain success
What does it take for a US$60 billion high-tech giant like Dell Inc. to compete in today's margin-hungry personal computer market? "We are always looking for ways to take out waste, to take out time and take out costs, and then passing those savings along to our customer," says Dave Schneider, continuous improvement engineering manager for Dell Americas operations.
To meet these goals, Dell relies on a unique supply chain strategy that gathers large volumes of customer information through its direct-sales model and shares it with internal procurement and sales departments, as well as external suppliers.
"These close relationships with customers and suppliers allow us to know what we must be able to supply in real time, and then very quickly and precisely meet that demand while maintaining low inventory," Schneider says. "We are not manufacturing finished goods that we hope people will buy. However, the relationships we have with the majority of our customers enable us to forecast accurately without filling a pipeline of finished goods."
It's All About the Information
To successfully forecast demand, Dell maintains a constant flow of data in two information loops: one between customers and the Dell sales team, and the other among sales, procurement, and suppliers.
Key metrics Dell shares with suppliers include forecasted sales dollars, sales quantities and parts requirements. In return, it receives data about how well suppliers can support these forecasts.
"We need to understand the supportability of our demand in the short term for every single product that we're going to sell — down to every hard disk, video card and optical drive," Schneider explains. "What we are really measuring is our suppliers' ability to be flexible and adjust to our changing demands."
The information Dell receives from suppliers tells its sales team what products it can effectively promote. "That really goes to a demand-shaping concept."
Information Evolution
Dell's communication system evolved from the early days of spreadsheets to today's sophisticated online and collaborative tools, which provide a rich mix of current and historical information about supplier performance.
Dell's other key information technology infrastructure components include Oracle Database 10g (on which it has standardized) and Oracle E-Business Suite 11i, including Oracle Financials, Oracle Purchasing, Oracle Order Management, Oracle Collaboration Suite, Oracle Field Sales and Oracle Telesales. Dell also uses the Oracle Customer Data Hub.
"We have certainly moved the needle on the use of technology in this supply chain process," Schneider says.
For more information, visit www.oracle.com.
To meet these goals, Dell relies on a unique supply chain strategy that gathers large volumes of customer information through its direct-sales model and shares it with internal procurement and sales departments, as well as external suppliers.
"These close relationships with customers and suppliers allow us to know what we must be able to supply in real time, and then very quickly and precisely meet that demand while maintaining low inventory," Schneider says. "We are not manufacturing finished goods that we hope people will buy. However, the relationships we have with the majority of our customers enable us to forecast accurately without filling a pipeline of finished goods."
It's All About the Information
To successfully forecast demand, Dell maintains a constant flow of data in two information loops: one between customers and the Dell sales team, and the other among sales, procurement, and suppliers.
Key metrics Dell shares with suppliers include forecasted sales dollars, sales quantities and parts requirements. In return, it receives data about how well suppliers can support these forecasts.
"We need to understand the supportability of our demand in the short term for every single product that we're going to sell — down to every hard disk, video card and optical drive," Schneider explains. "What we are really measuring is our suppliers' ability to be flexible and adjust to our changing demands."
The information Dell receives from suppliers tells its sales team what products it can effectively promote. "That really goes to a demand-shaping concept."
Information Evolution
Dell's communication system evolved from the early days of spreadsheets to today's sophisticated online and collaborative tools, which provide a rich mix of current and historical information about supplier performance.
Dell's other key information technology infrastructure components include Oracle Database 10g (on which it has standardized) and Oracle E-Business Suite 11i, including Oracle Financials, Oracle Purchasing, Oracle Order Management, Oracle Collaboration Suite, Oracle Field Sales and Oracle Telesales. Dell also uses the Oracle Customer Data Hub.
"We have certainly moved the needle on the use of technology in this supply chain process," Schneider says.
For more information, visit www.oracle.com.
Jul 24, 2013
[mgt 315] Individual Task 15% - BM111 5B
Special requirements of this project
1. prepare more than 20 slides
2. highlight the issue
3. support your discussion with academic sources - 3 journal articles in your references (e.g. definitions, statistics from previous studies, theory etc.)
4. write your conclusion
5. upload your slide in slideshare - you can login with Facebook id and share the link in Facebook. ( I need the embed code!)
First and formost - Title of slide
1. Introduction slide
2. Content slide - includes statistic, figure, justification, theory, tips, steps, history/background, definition, argument, etc.
3. Conclusion slide
4. References
5. Final slide - name, student ID, kata-kata hikmah, and photo.
Email your slides to alhudatajuddin583@pahang.uitm.edu.my
DEADLINE - August 30, 2013
1. Zairee - Fastfood
2. Akma - Social networking sites
3. Ika - Car
4. Fiqri - Stress
5. Izzul - Gambling
6. Nurul - Skin care
7. Diyana - Pork product
8. Yasmin - Hair
9. Azah - Mother
10. Saiful - Martial art
11. Faez - Digital Trend of Health Care Marketing
12. Zuhdi - Camera
13. Farra - Al-Quran
14. Fizrie - Air pollution
15. Samsul - Global warming
16. Helmy - Sport keeps health
17. Malyanah - Malaysian
18. Farahnur - Healthy diet
APA 5th styles read HERE http://education4love.blogspot.com/2012/06/apa-5th-style.html
Jul 22, 2013
[mgt315] BM111 5A - Individual Assignment 15%
Special requirements of this project
1. prepare more than 20 slides
2. highlight the issue
3. support your discussion with academic sources - 3 journal articles in your references (e.g. definitions, statistics from previous studies, theory etc.)
4. write your conclusion
5. upload your slide in slideshare - you can login with Facebook id and share the link in Facebook. ( I need the embed code!)
First and formost - Title of slide
1. Introduction slide
2. Content slide - includes statistic, figure, justification, theory, tips, steps, history/background, definition, argument, etc.
3. Conclusion slide
4. References
5. Final slide - name, student ID, kata-kata hikmah, and photo.
Email your slides to alhudatajuddin583@pahang.uitm.edu.my
DEADLINE - August 30, 2013
Read THIS.
Topic - Powerpoint project
1. Atikah Azis - Sir Alex Ferguson
2. Azrin - Malay Salad
3. Khadijah - Scarft
4. Azrin Farahin - Baju kurung
5. Hafizan - Honda Car
6. Shafiqa - Fabrics
7. Zafirah - Necrotizing fascilitis
8. Azila - Psoriasis
9. Yuslina - Cat
10. Firdaus - How to save money?
11. Adilla -
12. Noranisah - Korean's drama
13. Siti Rasidah - Sequins
14. Shakini - Children
15. Fatimah - Woman beauty
16. Naza - Bloated man
APA 5th style read HERE
Jul 18, 2013
Jul 15, 2013
MIA 2013
FPP akan mengadakan majlis meraikan kejayaan kepada pelajar-pelajar kita yang telah mendapatkan GPA 3.50 ke atas pada semester lepas dan bagi mereka yang bergraduat dengan ANC.
Majlis berkenaan akan dijalankan pada ketetapan berikut;
tarikh; 22 Ogos 2013
jam: 8.00 malam hingga 10.30 malam
lokasi: Dataran Integrasi, UiTM Pahang
tema: Cahaya Cemerlang Aidilfitri
menu: makanan yang bercirikan menu raya (Insyallah)
Majlis berkenaan akan dijalankan pada ketetapan berikut;
tarikh; 22 Ogos 2013
jam: 8.00 malam hingga 10.30 malam
lokasi: Dataran Integrasi, UiTM Pahang
tema: Cahaya Cemerlang Aidilfitri
menu: makanan yang bercirikan menu raya (Insyallah)
Jul 9, 2013
Tazkirah Ramadhan
1 Ramadhan bersamaan 10 Julai 2013
Perpustakaan Al Bukhari, UiTM Pahang
Ustaz Rasid (Pensyarah Kanan, UiTM Pahang)
8.30 hingga 10.00
Ada 4 sebab kita kena bersyukur.
1. Kita dilahirkan didunia ini, dari tiada kepada ada
2. Dilahirkan sebagai Insan - bukannya makhluk lain
2. Dilahirkan sebagai orang Islam - nikmat menjadi orang Islam
3. Dilahirkan sempurna
Syukur disampaikan ke bulan ramadhan.
Puasa ini adalah sunnah, amalan org dahulu. Tradisi yg diamalkan utk meningkatkan martabat diri. Hasil nya adalah TAKWA. Takwa adalah perkara yg plg asas. Semua org boleh menjadi org bertakwa. Justeru, Takwa diberi peringatan
Makna TAKWA (ejaan dalam arab - ta, qaf, wa dan ya)
1. Tawaduk merendah diri, puasa krn allah tawaduk lwn sombong
2. Qanaah lawannya tamak. Berpada menjadikan kita bersyukur tgk org dibwh.
3. Warak berhatihati dlm hidup. Berambi...
4. Yakin kpd allah, pahala, malaikat.
Mercu tanda ramadhan
1. Amalan smbhyg terawih hnya ada dlm ramadhan buat jgn tak buat
2. Lailatul qadar
3. Syrga arrayyan syurga utk org berpuasa
Kesilapan sms berpuasa
1. Puasa ikut ikut
2. Ghairah di awal ramadhan
3. Remehkan perkara sunat sms ramadhan.. meninggalkn ramadhan
4. Bermalas merasa tidak produktif
5. Mengabaikan mutiara bulan ramadhan
6. Bulan ramadhan yg bulan membazir
7. Kita tdk menjaga perkara yg merosakkan pahala puasa. 1. Berbohong, 2. Mengumpat, 3. fitnah, 4. Melihat dgn syahwat 5. Melakukan sumpah palsu
Langkah2 melaksanakan ramadhn kita
1. Betulkan niat
2. Jgn tinggl sahur
3. Buka stlh terbenam matahari
4. Mandi sunat fajar
5. Menahan diri dr lidah
6. Jgn marah
7. Usah redha allah dan syukur
8. Manfaat kan ramadhan utk ibadah
9. Jd org yg menolong jgn berkira sngt
10. Pastikan hg kita makan halal dan suci
11. Pelihara jiwa kita dr perkara buruk, dengki
Kesimpulan ceramah
1. Apa yg allah dan rasul suruh buat jer yg buat bnyk cerita
2. Apa yg haram tinggalkan
3. Tambahkan sdkt yg sunat
4. Tgglkan yg makruh. Makruh yg hampir kpd haram
5. Apa-apa sahaja yg kita lakukan kaitkan dgn allah.
Perpustakaan Al Bukhari, UiTM Pahang
Ustaz Rasid (Pensyarah Kanan, UiTM Pahang)
8.30 hingga 10.00
Ada 4 sebab kita kena bersyukur.
1. Kita dilahirkan didunia ini, dari tiada kepada ada
2. Dilahirkan sebagai Insan - bukannya makhluk lain
2. Dilahirkan sebagai orang Islam - nikmat menjadi orang Islam
3. Dilahirkan sempurna
Syukur disampaikan ke bulan ramadhan.
Puasa ini adalah sunnah, amalan org dahulu. Tradisi yg diamalkan utk meningkatkan martabat diri. Hasil nya adalah TAKWA. Takwa adalah perkara yg plg asas. Semua org boleh menjadi org bertakwa. Justeru, Takwa diberi peringatan
Makna TAKWA (ejaan dalam arab - ta, qaf, wa dan ya)
1. Tawaduk merendah diri, puasa krn allah tawaduk lwn sombong
2. Qanaah lawannya tamak. Berpada menjadikan kita bersyukur tgk org dibwh.
3. Warak berhatihati dlm hidup. Berambi...
4. Yakin kpd allah, pahala, malaikat.
Mercu tanda ramadhan
1. Amalan smbhyg terawih hnya ada dlm ramadhan buat jgn tak buat
2. Lailatul qadar
3. Syrga arrayyan syurga utk org berpuasa
Kesilapan sms berpuasa
1. Puasa ikut ikut
2. Ghairah di awal ramadhan
3. Remehkan perkara sunat sms ramadhan.. meninggalkn ramadhan
4. Bermalas merasa tidak produktif
5. Mengabaikan mutiara bulan ramadhan
6. Bulan ramadhan yg bulan membazir
7. Kita tdk menjaga perkara yg merosakkan pahala puasa. 1. Berbohong, 2. Mengumpat, 3. fitnah, 4. Melihat dgn syahwat 5. Melakukan sumpah palsu
Langkah2 melaksanakan ramadhn kita
1. Betulkan niat
2. Jgn tinggl sahur
3. Buka stlh terbenam matahari
4. Mandi sunat fajar
5. Menahan diri dr lidah
6. Jgn marah
7. Usah redha allah dan syukur
8. Manfaat kan ramadhan utk ibadah
9. Jd org yg menolong jgn berkira sngt
10. Pastikan hg kita makan halal dan suci
11. Pelihara jiwa kita dr perkara buruk, dengki
Kesimpulan ceramah
1. Apa yg allah dan rasul suruh buat jer yg buat bnyk cerita
2. Apa yg haram tinggalkan
3. Tambahkan sdkt yg sunat
4. Tgglkan yg makruh. Makruh yg hampir kpd haram
5. Apa-apa sahaja yg kita lakukan kaitkan dgn allah.
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Posts (Atom)
Supply Chain of Dell [SLIDESHARE]
Supply chain of DELL from Thushan Dharmawardana
Inside Dell: The secrets of its supply chain success
What does it take for a US$60 billion high-tech giant like Dell Inc. to compete in today's margin-hungry personal computer market? "We are always looking for ways to take out waste, to take out time and take out costs, and then passing those savings along to our customer," says Dave Schneider, continuous improvement engineering manager for Dell Americas operations.
To meet these goals, Dell relies on a unique supply chain strategy that gathers large volumes of customer information through its direct-sales model and shares it with internal procurement and sales departments, as well as external suppliers.
"These close relationships with customers and suppliers allow us to know what we must be able to supply in real time, and then very quickly and precisely meet that demand while maintaining low inventory," Schneider says. "We are not manufacturing finished goods that we hope people will buy. However, the relationships we have with the majority of our customers enable us to forecast accurately without filling a pipeline of finished goods."
It's All About the Information
To successfully forecast demand, Dell maintains a constant flow of data in two information loops: one between customers and the Dell sales team, and the other among sales, procurement, and suppliers.
Key metrics Dell shares with suppliers include forecasted sales dollars, sales quantities and parts requirements. In return, it receives data about how well suppliers can support these forecasts.
"We need to understand the supportability of our demand in the short term for every single product that we're going to sell — down to every hard disk, video card and optical drive," Schneider explains. "What we are really measuring is our suppliers' ability to be flexible and adjust to our changing demands."
The information Dell receives from suppliers tells its sales team what products it can effectively promote. "That really goes to a demand-shaping concept."
Information Evolution
Dell's communication system evolved from the early days of spreadsheets to today's sophisticated online and collaborative tools, which provide a rich mix of current and historical information about supplier performance.
Dell's other key information technology infrastructure components include Oracle Database 10g (on which it has standardized) and Oracle E-Business Suite 11i, including Oracle Financials, Oracle Purchasing, Oracle Order Management, Oracle Collaboration Suite, Oracle Field Sales and Oracle Telesales. Dell also uses the Oracle Customer Data Hub.
"We have certainly moved the needle on the use of technology in this supply chain process," Schneider says.
For more information, visit www.oracle.com.
To meet these goals, Dell relies on a unique supply chain strategy that gathers large volumes of customer information through its direct-sales model and shares it with internal procurement and sales departments, as well as external suppliers.
"These close relationships with customers and suppliers allow us to know what we must be able to supply in real time, and then very quickly and precisely meet that demand while maintaining low inventory," Schneider says. "We are not manufacturing finished goods that we hope people will buy. However, the relationships we have with the majority of our customers enable us to forecast accurately without filling a pipeline of finished goods."
It's All About the Information
To successfully forecast demand, Dell maintains a constant flow of data in two information loops: one between customers and the Dell sales team, and the other among sales, procurement, and suppliers.
Key metrics Dell shares with suppliers include forecasted sales dollars, sales quantities and parts requirements. In return, it receives data about how well suppliers can support these forecasts.
"We need to understand the supportability of our demand in the short term for every single product that we're going to sell — down to every hard disk, video card and optical drive," Schneider explains. "What we are really measuring is our suppliers' ability to be flexible and adjust to our changing demands."
The information Dell receives from suppliers tells its sales team what products it can effectively promote. "That really goes to a demand-shaping concept."
Information Evolution
Dell's communication system evolved from the early days of spreadsheets to today's sophisticated online and collaborative tools, which provide a rich mix of current and historical information about supplier performance.
Dell's other key information technology infrastructure components include Oracle Database 10g (on which it has standardized) and Oracle E-Business Suite 11i, including Oracle Financials, Oracle Purchasing, Oracle Order Management, Oracle Collaboration Suite, Oracle Field Sales and Oracle Telesales. Dell also uses the Oracle Customer Data Hub.
"We have certainly moved the needle on the use of technology in this supply chain process," Schneider says.
For more information, visit www.oracle.com.
[mgt 315] Individual Task 15% - BM111 5B
Special requirements of this project
1. prepare more than 20 slides
2. highlight the issue
3. support your discussion with academic sources - 3 journal articles in your references (e.g. definitions, statistics from previous studies, theory etc.)
4. write your conclusion
5. upload your slide in slideshare - you can login with Facebook id and share the link in Facebook. ( I need the embed code!)
First and formost - Title of slide
1. Introduction slide
2. Content slide - includes statistic, figure, justification, theory, tips, steps, history/background, definition, argument, etc.
3. Conclusion slide
4. References
5. Final slide - name, student ID, kata-kata hikmah, and photo.
Email your slides to alhudatajuddin583@pahang.uitm.edu.my
DEADLINE - August 30, 2013
1. Zairee - Fastfood
2. Akma - Social networking sites
3. Ika - Car
4. Fiqri - Stress
5. Izzul - Gambling
6. Nurul - Skin care
7. Diyana - Pork product
8. Yasmin - Hair
9. Azah - Mother
10. Saiful - Martial art
11. Faez - Digital Trend of Health Care Marketing
12. Zuhdi - Camera
13. Farra - Al-Quran
14. Fizrie - Air pollution
15. Samsul - Global warming
16. Helmy - Sport keeps health
17. Malyanah - Malaysian
18. Farahnur - Healthy diet
APA 5th styles read HERE http://education4love.blogspot.com/2012/06/apa-5th-style.html
[mgt315] BM111 5A - Individual Assignment 15%
Special requirements of this project
1. prepare more than 20 slides
2. highlight the issue
3. support your discussion with academic sources - 3 journal articles in your references (e.g. definitions, statistics from previous studies, theory etc.)
4. write your conclusion
5. upload your slide in slideshare - you can login with Facebook id and share the link in Facebook. ( I need the embed code!)
First and formost - Title of slide
1. Introduction slide
2. Content slide - includes statistic, figure, justification, theory, tips, steps, history/background, definition, argument, etc.
3. Conclusion slide
4. References
5. Final slide - name, student ID, kata-kata hikmah, and photo.
Email your slides to alhudatajuddin583@pahang.uitm.edu.my
DEADLINE - August 30, 2013
Read THIS.
Topic - Powerpoint project
1. Atikah Azis - Sir Alex Ferguson
2. Azrin - Malay Salad
3. Khadijah - Scarft
4. Azrin Farahin - Baju kurung
5. Hafizan - Honda Car
6. Shafiqa - Fabrics
7. Zafirah - Necrotizing fascilitis
8. Azila - Psoriasis
9. Yuslina - Cat
10. Firdaus - How to save money?
11. Adilla -
12. Noranisah - Korean's drama
13. Siti Rasidah - Sequins
14. Shakini - Children
15. Fatimah - Woman beauty
16. Naza - Bloated man
APA 5th style read HERE
MIA 2013
FPP akan mengadakan majlis meraikan kejayaan kepada pelajar-pelajar kita yang telah mendapatkan GPA 3.50 ke atas pada semester lepas dan bagi mereka yang bergraduat dengan ANC.
Majlis berkenaan akan dijalankan pada ketetapan berikut;
tarikh; 22 Ogos 2013
jam: 8.00 malam hingga 10.30 malam
lokasi: Dataran Integrasi, UiTM Pahang
tema: Cahaya Cemerlang Aidilfitri
menu: makanan yang bercirikan menu raya (Insyallah)
Majlis berkenaan akan dijalankan pada ketetapan berikut;
tarikh; 22 Ogos 2013
jam: 8.00 malam hingga 10.30 malam
lokasi: Dataran Integrasi, UiTM Pahang
tema: Cahaya Cemerlang Aidilfitri
menu: makanan yang bercirikan menu raya (Insyallah)
Tazkirah Ramadhan
1 Ramadhan bersamaan 10 Julai 2013
Perpustakaan Al Bukhari, UiTM Pahang
Ustaz Rasid (Pensyarah Kanan, UiTM Pahang)
8.30 hingga 10.00
Ada 4 sebab kita kena bersyukur.
1. Kita dilahirkan didunia ini, dari tiada kepada ada
2. Dilahirkan sebagai Insan - bukannya makhluk lain
2. Dilahirkan sebagai orang Islam - nikmat menjadi orang Islam
3. Dilahirkan sempurna
Syukur disampaikan ke bulan ramadhan.
Puasa ini adalah sunnah, amalan org dahulu. Tradisi yg diamalkan utk meningkatkan martabat diri. Hasil nya adalah TAKWA. Takwa adalah perkara yg plg asas. Semua org boleh menjadi org bertakwa. Justeru, Takwa diberi peringatan
Makna TAKWA (ejaan dalam arab - ta, qaf, wa dan ya)
1. Tawaduk merendah diri, puasa krn allah tawaduk lwn sombong
2. Qanaah lawannya tamak. Berpada menjadikan kita bersyukur tgk org dibwh.
3. Warak berhatihati dlm hidup. Berambi...
4. Yakin kpd allah, pahala, malaikat.
Mercu tanda ramadhan
1. Amalan smbhyg terawih hnya ada dlm ramadhan buat jgn tak buat
2. Lailatul qadar
3. Syrga arrayyan syurga utk org berpuasa
Kesilapan sms berpuasa
1. Puasa ikut ikut
2. Ghairah di awal ramadhan
3. Remehkan perkara sunat sms ramadhan.. meninggalkn ramadhan
4. Bermalas merasa tidak produktif
5. Mengabaikan mutiara bulan ramadhan
6. Bulan ramadhan yg bulan membazir
7. Kita tdk menjaga perkara yg merosakkan pahala puasa. 1. Berbohong, 2. Mengumpat, 3. fitnah, 4. Melihat dgn syahwat 5. Melakukan sumpah palsu
Langkah2 melaksanakan ramadhn kita
1. Betulkan niat
2. Jgn tinggl sahur
3. Buka stlh terbenam matahari
4. Mandi sunat fajar
5. Menahan diri dr lidah
6. Jgn marah
7. Usah redha allah dan syukur
8. Manfaat kan ramadhan utk ibadah
9. Jd org yg menolong jgn berkira sngt
10. Pastikan hg kita makan halal dan suci
11. Pelihara jiwa kita dr perkara buruk, dengki
Kesimpulan ceramah
1. Apa yg allah dan rasul suruh buat jer yg buat bnyk cerita
2. Apa yg haram tinggalkan
3. Tambahkan sdkt yg sunat
4. Tgglkan yg makruh. Makruh yg hampir kpd haram
5. Apa-apa sahaja yg kita lakukan kaitkan dgn allah.
Perpustakaan Al Bukhari, UiTM Pahang
Ustaz Rasid (Pensyarah Kanan, UiTM Pahang)
8.30 hingga 10.00
Ada 4 sebab kita kena bersyukur.
1. Kita dilahirkan didunia ini, dari tiada kepada ada
2. Dilahirkan sebagai Insan - bukannya makhluk lain
2. Dilahirkan sebagai orang Islam - nikmat menjadi orang Islam
3. Dilahirkan sempurna
Syukur disampaikan ke bulan ramadhan.
Puasa ini adalah sunnah, amalan org dahulu. Tradisi yg diamalkan utk meningkatkan martabat diri. Hasil nya adalah TAKWA. Takwa adalah perkara yg plg asas. Semua org boleh menjadi org bertakwa. Justeru, Takwa diberi peringatan
Makna TAKWA (ejaan dalam arab - ta, qaf, wa dan ya)
1. Tawaduk merendah diri, puasa krn allah tawaduk lwn sombong
2. Qanaah lawannya tamak. Berpada menjadikan kita bersyukur tgk org dibwh.
3. Warak berhatihati dlm hidup. Berambi...
4. Yakin kpd allah, pahala, malaikat.
Mercu tanda ramadhan
1. Amalan smbhyg terawih hnya ada dlm ramadhan buat jgn tak buat
2. Lailatul qadar
3. Syrga arrayyan syurga utk org berpuasa
Kesilapan sms berpuasa
1. Puasa ikut ikut
2. Ghairah di awal ramadhan
3. Remehkan perkara sunat sms ramadhan.. meninggalkn ramadhan
4. Bermalas merasa tidak produktif
5. Mengabaikan mutiara bulan ramadhan
6. Bulan ramadhan yg bulan membazir
7. Kita tdk menjaga perkara yg merosakkan pahala puasa. 1. Berbohong, 2. Mengumpat, 3. fitnah, 4. Melihat dgn syahwat 5. Melakukan sumpah palsu
Langkah2 melaksanakan ramadhn kita
1. Betulkan niat
2. Jgn tinggl sahur
3. Buka stlh terbenam matahari
4. Mandi sunat fajar
5. Menahan diri dr lidah
6. Jgn marah
7. Usah redha allah dan syukur
8. Manfaat kan ramadhan utk ibadah
9. Jd org yg menolong jgn berkira sngt
10. Pastikan hg kita makan halal dan suci
11. Pelihara jiwa kita dr perkara buruk, dengki
Kesimpulan ceramah
1. Apa yg allah dan rasul suruh buat jer yg buat bnyk cerita
2. Apa yg haram tinggalkan
3. Tambahkan sdkt yg sunat
4. Tgglkan yg makruh. Makruh yg hampir kpd haram
5. Apa-apa sahaja yg kita lakukan kaitkan dgn allah.
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Posts (Atom)